OMG 2 |
OMG 2 is a satirical comedy-drama film that revolves around Kanti Sharan Mudgal, a staunch devotee of Lord Shiva. Kanti is a simple man, a loving father, and a caring husband. One day, he receives distressing news: his son, Vivek, has been blamed for immoral conduct and expelled from school. Vivek’s alleged offense? He was caught masturbating in the school washroom after consuming multiple Viagra tablets.
As Kanti investigates further, he discovers that Vivek has fallen victim to misinformation and misguidance. The school’s inadequate sex education and lack of proper guidance have led to this unfortunate situation. Determined to defend his son’s innocence, Kanti seeks divine intervention. Lord Shiva sends a Messenger (played by Akshay Kumar) to help them navigate this crisis.
The film delves into themes of parenting, education, and societal norms, all while maintaining a humorous and thought-provoking tone. As Kanti fights for justice, he challenges the system and questions prevailing beliefs. OMG 2 sheds light on the importance of comprehensive sex education and dispelling myths surrounding sexuality.
In a world where misinformation can wreak havoc, Kanti’s journey becomes a powerful commentary on the need for awareness and understanding. The film skillfully blends satire, drama, and spirituality, making it an engaging watch for audiences. 🎬🍿
Title: OMG 2
Director : Amit Rai Release : August 11, 2023 Duration: 2h 35m Rate:7.6/10 Language: Hindi